
第3節(jié) 遺失在西方的中國史完整版目錄



001   在西方發(fā)現(xiàn)歷史  004   圖像的力量    007   譯序

1842  001  中國的道光皇帝Taou Kwang, the Emperor of China    003  中國 China  015  海德公園角的“萬唐人物館”The Chinese Collection, Hyde Park Corner    018  中國報道:對乍浦的描述China: Description of Chapoo   021  中國報道:揚子江、廣州、南京、上海、大運河、黃埔China: Yangtze River, Canton, Nankin, Shanghai, the Grand Canal, Whampoa   032  中國的外交Chinese Diplomacy  033  長城與大運河The Great Wall and the Grand Canal  035  中國的大使The Chinese Ambassador  1843   037  中國人的貢金The Chinese Tribute 042  福摩薩(臺灣)島與廣州十三行The Island of Formosa and the British Factory in Canton  044  鴉片貿(mào)易The Opium Trade  1844   051  關于英國軍艦的一張中國畫 Curious Chinese Drawing of a British War Steamer  1845   053  中國的巨型臼炮Monster Gun, at Woolwich 054  中國青年Chinese Youths   1846    057  清朝欽差大臣耆英在香港Procession of the Chinese Commissioner at Hong Kong  062  中式床架Chinese Bedstead  1848    065  “耆英號”中國兵船The Chinese Junk “Keying”  067  停泊在東印度公司碼頭的中國兵船 The Chinese Junk in the East India Docks   1849     073  清軍的軍旗Chinese Standards Captured  074  在虎頭門寨的會談Interview at the Bogue Forts  075  加爾各答的華人陵園The Burial-Ground at Calcutta  077  澳門總督被刺Assassination of the Governor of Macao   1850   079  在中國沿海被燒毀的一支海盜船隊Burning of a Piratical Fleet on the Coast of China  081  參觀中國的長城A Visit to the Great Wall of China  1851   087  倫敦首屆世界博覽會開幕式上的中國官員(希生)Opening of the Great Exhibition—The Chinese Mandarin  090  中國家庭Chinese Family   091  在“耆英號”兵船上的中國武術表演Chinese Performance on Board the Junk  092  到奧斯本宮做客的中國家庭The Chinese Family at Osborne Palace  1853  097  香港的中國帆船比賽Revolution in China  100  中國的革命Revolution in China  102  基督教在中國Christianity in China 104  中國的內(nèi)戰(zhàn)—英國皇家海軍“赫耳墨斯號”在揚子江上Civil War in China—H.M.S “Hermes”in the Yang-Tze-Kiang River 1854   113  包令爵士——神學博士、香港總督和英國駐華全權代表 Sir John Bowring, L.L.D., Governor of Hong Kong, and H. M. Plenipotentiary in China  116  德魯里巷劇院Drury-Lane Theatre  1855  119  包令爵士出使北京Sir John Bowring’s Mission to Pekin   121  南京的叛匪向“李號”炮艦開火The Rebels of Taipings Opening Fire Upon the “Lee” Gun-boat  122  南京的太平軍起義者The Rebels of Taipings in Nankin  1857  127  炮轟廣州Bombardment of Canton  134  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War with China  140  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:廣州要塞的陷落The War with China: Capture of Canton Forts   145  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:英軍攻擊廣州要塞和炮臺的計劃The War with China: Plan of the Attack on Forts and Batteries of Canton  148  中國速寫:采茶女和清軍旗手Sketches from China: Chinese Woman Gathering Tea and Chinese Military Standard-Bearer  151  廣州城墻之內(nèi)的街道Canton within the Walls   154  跟中國的戰(zhàn)爭:兩封通訊員的來信The War with China: Letters from two Correspondents  161  中國速寫:廣州的守街衛(wèi)兵、養(yǎng)蠶Sketches from China: Canton Street-Guard, Rearing Silk Worms 165  中國的船舶Chinese Shipping  166  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:叛匪、滑竿和香港The War in China: Chinese Rebels, the Mode of Carrying a Wounded Rebel, and Hong Kong  172  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:“飛馬號”輪船和廣州大火The War in China: The Passenger-Steamer “Fei Ma” and Conflagration at Canton  178  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:中國的兵船和叛匪The Chinese Vessels of War, Chinese Rebels  182  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:餌雷、海盜船和上海港The War in China: Chinese Infernal Machines, Chinese Pirate Craft, Shanghai  185  香港的下毒事件The Poisonings at Hong Kong  186  中國的刑罰Chinese Tortures  189  前往中國的英國海軍運兵船Her Majesty’s Troop-Ship “Transit,” Refitting and Receiving Stores for China inPortsmouth Harbour  196  去中國的路上:馬賽和馬耳他見聞En Route for China: Sketches (of Marseille and Malta) from Our Own Artist and Correspondent  203  去中國的路上:埃及見聞錄En Route for China: Sketches of Egypt  210  寧波的皇陵The Tombs of the Chinese Emperors at Ningpo  212  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:剿滅海盜船The War in China: Destruction of Pirate Junks  214  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:剿滅海盜船The War in China: Destructive of Piratical Junks  217  前往中國的英軍增援部隊Reinforcement for the War in China  218  去中國的路上:蘇伊士札記En Route for China: Sketches of Suez  220  去中國的路上:紅海上的閑暇En Route for China: A Calm on the Red Sea  222  去中國的路上:亞丁和馬爾代夫En Route for China: Aden and the Maldive  226  前往中國的英國海軍艦隊British Gun-Boat Flotilla en Route for China  227  去中國的路上En Route to China  232  中國速寫Sketches from China  234  中國速寫Sketches from China  242  佛山水道之戰(zhàn)The Battle of Fatsham Creek  246  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:流溪河之戰(zhàn)The Battle of Escape Creek  249  香港速寫Sketches from Hong Kong  251  香港的閱兵場The Parade at Hong Kong  252  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:佛山水道之戰(zhàn)、抬轎子的苦力The War in China: The Battle of Fatsham Creek, Chair Coolies  256  英國皇家海軍的制服Naval Uniform  257  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:馬尼拉之行War in China: A Trip to Manila  263  馬尼拉速寫Sketches of Manila  268  馬尼拉速寫 Sketches of Manila  270  馬尼拉和香港速寫Sketches of Manila and Hong Kong  274  馬尼拉速寫Sketches of Manila  276  馬尼拉速寫Sketches of Manila


1858   279  馬尼拉速寫Sketches in Manilla  286  中國速寫Sketches in China  290  中國速寫Sketches in China  292  中國畫“大敗鬼子真圖”Chinese Drawing of the Fatsham Creek Affair; A Sporting Tour in Governmor Yep’s Land  295  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  299  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  304  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  313  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  319  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  324  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:軍事輜重隊The War in China: The Military Train,Canton 326  廣州的城墻和城門The Walls and Gates of Canton  327  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  331  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China 333  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭The War in China  335  中國速寫:香港跑馬場Sketches in China: Hong Kong Races  339  廣州的英國商品貿(mào)易Sale of English Goods, Canton  342  中國速寫:廣州的警察、哨兵和苦力Sketches in China: Policemen, Sentries, and Coolies in Canton  346  中國速寫Sketches in China  348  向廣州白云山附近的清軍兵勇們發(fā)起的進攻Attack on the “Braves” Near the White Cloud Mountain, Canton  350  英法聯(lián)軍艦隊進攻白河要塞The Attack of Peiho Forts by the English and French Fleets  354  中國速寫Sketches in China  356  中英天津條約的簽訂Signing the Treaty between England and China at Tien-tsin 361  廣州速寫Sketches in Canton  363  廣州速寫Sketches in Canton  365  中國報道:傷病員登上“廣州”號China: The Embarkation of Sick and Wounded on Board the “Canton”  368   中國報道:哈里森船長、清軍水師兵船的襲擊China: Captain Harrison, Chinese Boat Attack 371   中國速寫Sketches in China  374   中國速寫:廣州海幢寺住持授職儀式Skethes in China: The Consecration of A Buddhist Abbot at the Temple of Honan  375   鴉片鬼的墮落歷程Opium-Smoking in China, from Drawing by a Native Artist   

1859   381   廣州速寫:一位中醫(yī)、伍浩官的花園Sketches in Canton: A Chinese Doctor, Howqua Garden, Near Canton  384  中國速寫:婦女發(fā)型、洗衣方式Sketches in China: Hair Style Like A Teapot, Washing Linen  387  中國速寫:翻山越嶺和藝人表演Sketches in China: A Mountain Pass, Entertainment in the Village of Lin-Cong  390  中國速寫Sketches from China: Traveling in China—the Midday Halt  394  中國畫家Chinese Artists  395  1859年的中國人禮儀風俗Manners and Customs of the Chinese in 1859  401  臺灣漢族人的禮儀風俗Manners and Customs of the Chinese in Formosa  407  臺灣的漢族人禮儀風俗Chinese Manners and Customs in Formosa

1860  409  對原香港行政主管凱恩中校的表彰Chinese Mirror Presented to Lieut.-Colonel Caine, Late Lieutenant-Governor of Hong-Kong  411  英國艦隊在中國The English Fleet in China, off Kintang  413  中國報道:英法聯(lián)軍即將北上China: The Combined Fleet in China Is Getting Under Way for the North  415  中國報道:克蘭忒爵士及其參謀部成員China: Sir Hope Grant and the Staff of the British Expedition in China  418  中國報道:英國軍隊在大連灣China: The British Forces in Talien-Wan  428  中國的咸豐皇帝China: The British Forces in Talien-Wan  430  關于中國戰(zhàn)爭的插圖說Illustrations of the War in China  434  有關在華戰(zhàn)爭的插圖Illustrations of the War in China: The Landing of the Allied Forces, Punjaub Street at Pehtang  438  英法聯(lián)軍攻占大沽要塞The Storming and Capture of Peiho Forts  440  在廣州取得的勝利The Victory of Canton  442  在中國的戰(zhàn)爭:在北京的城墻下War in China: Under the Wall of Pekin  444  費恩與普羅賓騎兵師Fane’s and Probyn’s Horse Service in China  446  皇家龍騎兵禁衛(wèi)軍跟八旗兵在北京附近的遭遇站The King’s Dragoon’s Guards Closing with Tartary Cavalry in the Engagement Near Pekin


1861  449  英中和約The Peace with China   459  羅亨利先生Mr. Henry Brougham Loch  461  中國的家庭生活Domestic Life in China  467  中國的春節(jié)The China New Year  469  中國人支付賠款Payment by the Chinese of the Indemnity Money  470  北京的古玩街Curiosity Street, Pekin  472  北京速寫Sketches from Pekin   474  北京俄國傳教使團的教堂The Russian Mission Church in Pekin  476  中國火炮Chinese Guns  479  中國戰(zhàn)爭賠款的銀兩過秤Weighing the Indemnity Money  481  戰(zhàn)爭賠款抵達天津Arrival at Tien-tsin of Indemnity Money  483  中國皇帝的夏宮The Emperor of China’s Summer Palace  488  北京的皇城The Imperial City, Pekin  489  盧逖,皇后的寵物狗Looty, A Little Dog Found in the Summer Palace, near Pekin  490  來自巴黎兩年一次美術展的圖畫Paintings from the Biannual Exhibition in Paris

1862   493  中國喜鵲The Chinese Magpie  494  中國長城的一個局部Part of the Great Wall of China 1863   497  關于中國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)的插圖說明——清軍攻打奉化Illustrations of the Civil War in China: Imperialist Expedition to Fungwha  503  上海速寫:城隍廟茶館、常勝軍Sketches in Shanghai: Teahouse, Chinese Soldiers with Foreign Officer  1864   505  中國商人在俄國中部諾夫哥羅德的年度商品交易會上Chinese Merchant at the Great Annual Fair in Nijni Novgorod, Central Russia  507  中國的太平軍叛亂The Taiping Rebellion in China  514  北京英國公使館的警衛(wèi)The Guards at the British Embassy in Pekin  515  阿禮國出任駐日大使后回到日本Rutherford Alcock Returned to Japan after being Made a Minister  516  阿禮國爵士Sir Rutherford Alcock  518  中國的風景Views in China  1865   521  中國巨人The Chinese Giant   522  討伐中國的海盜船Expedition Against China’s Piratical Junks   1866   525  中國外交特使團China’s Diplomatic Mission   526  跟中國海盜的遭遇戰(zhàn)An Encounter with Chinese Pirates   1867  529  英中貿(mào)易商船The New Steam-ship for the China Trade  530  北京的賽馬場The European Racecourse at Pekin  1868  533  上海的中式婚禮A Chinese Wedding at Shanghai  535  在倫敦的中國外交使團The Chinese Embassy in London   1870   537  艾爾弗雷德親王在香港Prince Alfred in Hong-kong  539  揚子江的風景Scenery of Yang-tze-kiang  1872    541  北京的公主府Entrance to the Bride Princess’ Palace in Pekin  542  中國皇帝的婚禮The Imperial Wedding   1873    549  中國皇帝的婚禮The Processions of the Imperial Wedding   558  中國皇帝的婚禮The Processions of the Imperial Wedding  566  本報關于中國的插圖Our Illustrations of China   568  中國速寫:長城、十三陵Sketches in China: The Great Wall and the Imperial Tombs  570  北京的城墻The Wall of Pekin   571  中國速寫:北京天壇Sketches in China: The Temple of Heaven, Pekin  578  北京的一座教會學校Boys’ School, Pekin  579  中國速寫:北京貢院Hall of Examination, Pekin  582  中國速寫:北京寺廟、英國公使館Sketches in China: A Buddhist Temple and the English Legation in Pekin  588  中國速寫:國子監(jiān)、孔廟、京報、木偶劇Sketches in China: Hall of Classics, Temple of Confucius, Pekin Gazatte, and the Chinese Punch and Judy   593  中國速寫:天津見聞Sketches in China: Scene at Tien-tsin   598  中國速寫:上海見聞、北京的八旗兵弓箭手Sketches in China: Chinese Pawnshop at Shanghai, and the Archery Practice of the Manchoo Tartar Soldiery at Pekin  601  維多利亞公園的中國涼亭   604  中國速寫:北京教會女校、漢口喜慶劇院Sketches in China: Girls’ School in Pekin, Gaiety Theatre in Hanckow   606  中國速寫:紡紗的農(nóng)婦Sketches in China: A Spinning Woman  607  中國速寫:北京街景Sketches in China: Street Scene in Pekin  609  中國速寫:年輕的同治皇帝Sketches in China: The Young Emperor of China, Tung-che Whang Ti  612  覲見中國皇帝Reception of the Foreign Ministers and Consuls by the Emperor of China at Pekin 613  中國速寫:上海的舢板Sketches in China: A Sampan at Shanghai 615  在中國做圣誕節(jié)葡萄干布丁Making a Christmas Pudding in China

1875    617  中國的山東威海海角The Shang-Tung Promontory, China  1876    619  中國的芝罘 Che-foo, in China   1877     621  中國駐英公使在倫敦The Chinese Ministers in London 

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