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|返回日記列表 111039 2010年03月03日 23:59 瀏覽(loading...) 批評(0) 分類:小我私家日志 |返回日志列表 2010第一燒
頒發(fā) 取締 轉(zhuǎn)載自 112284 2010年06月02日 01:59 瀏覽(loading...) 批評(0) 分類:個人日志 |返回日志列表 要是兩小我私家分手之后做了朋友……那說明我素來不愛過你 如果兩個人分手之后我再也不見你并高聲說我恨你……那說明我不舍得脫離你 本文源于www.jxzu.net 如果兩個人分手之后仍舊能夠做朋友做的事……那說明我想讓你記著我 標簽 文章 分離 朋儕 闡明 點擊 如果兩個人分手之后咱們在相互的天下消散了……那說明我真的愛你 |返回日記列表
Passion is sweet passion is happy Love makes weak love is fragile You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go you have said that the free first so you do not willing to be bound Follow your fate fate Love and hate both good and bad Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away chase you day and night The dream never give up Oh when the night falls Oh When the growing dark when the And your all alone you alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of when you are sleeping you dream about what My skin's still burning from your touch intimate relations so I am engaged Oh I just can't get enough I Oh my can not meet the Said I wouldn't ask for much you have agreed not to obtain But your eyes are dangerous However you look breathtaking Oh the thought keep spinning in my head thoughts of you linger Can we drop this masquerade frankly we can relative I can't predict where it ends even if the outcome can not budget If your the rock I'll crush against I am still wi
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