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  • 尹阿范
    支持[0] 反對[0] 引用 11-25 21:48發(fā)表

    drove about 20 Ling Road, left again to work more than ten meters, and she went off again after the plant from the side door, also dressed in camouflage fatigues stop the staff. According to Fang and water introduction, Xie was noisy with the argument, but the staff is still silent. this time a police car factory door,blue CHI Camo Flat Iron, two policemen came to see anything to say. Xie Ling was walking and took out a lighter, flames suddenly channeling open,CHI Camo Green, the crowd quickly dispersed staff. two police officers quickly dry out from the box while fighting with Xie Ling Kuangpen?? Xie Ming went to the wife now has clothes burnt,CHI Turbo Ceramic Hairstyling Iron, burn bare skin, fingers curled. 7 days after the incident, our reporter into the work of Xie Ling Buick car windows open, the cab smelled a gasoline can. then whether the incident when the members of which share strong smell of petrol poured over him Xie Ling noted gasoline? Yinzhou District, River Street Part

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