This strategy involves splitting your 15 players into three groups. Each group should be color-blind with a healer in each. The point is as the name states. Hold three points and you should win over time. The flag captures wont matter as they opposing factivity will get less points for capturing it as they only inhabitancy one point. It does not hurt to send one or two of your players to disrupt their flag captures just to widen the lead.This strategy works all-time with a heavily geared team. Your team should split up into four groups. The main work of this strategy is to inhabitance all four points as fast as possible. With farthermostly geared groups you can accomplish victory within 5 minutes. Once your factivity caps the first two points clammyst to the original point spawn, 2 players from the groups in commitment of those points should stay to defend them. The rest of those groups should push the towers to the artless north or south and help cap them. With this power you should b
This strategy involves splitting your 15 players into three groups. Each group should be color-blind with a healer in each. The point is as the name states. Hold three points and you should win over time. The flag captures wont matter as they opposing factivity will get less points for capturing it as they only inhabitancy one point. It does not hurt to send one or two of your players to disrupt their flag captures just to widen the lead.This strategy works all-time with a heavily geared team. Your team should split up into four groups. The main work of this strategy is to inhabitance all four points as fast as possible. With farthermostly geared groups you can accomplish victory within 5 minutes. Once your factivity caps the first two points clammyst to the original point spawn, 2 players from the groups in commitment of those points should stay to defend them. The rest of those groups should push the towers to the artless north or south and help cap them. With this power you should b